Friday, September 01, 2006

Views from a Spring Garden

It is not spring. I am picking tomatoes (good ones). Though Josie, the dog, will occasionally pluck a green one and carry it around the yard thinking, I'm sure, that tennis balls grow on trees. She never breaks the skin although there are indentations (faint tooth marks) in the soft fruit.

Anyway, by August I'm tired of the heat and the weeds and the Japanese Beetles. I'm sharing this picture that Mike took in June, because I need to remember what I loved.

My garden doesn't look that bad now, because interspersed with the spring blooming flowers, I have planted annuals that are going strong. What I really regret is not paying more attention to my mother and her gardening tips. I know she loved gardening--and loved to share.

In my next post I'll provide pictures of the summer garden. Eventually, I hope that Mike will add his comments to this blog. He is a great writer. So far he has only provided pictures--a great addition, too.